But then, graduation means the same as dropping out. It isn't an accomplishment -- it's a transition. Is it independence? Not usually. The government is running out of funding for benefit programs, so our generation has to start saving for retirement as early as possible. We are slaves to money, which makes us slaves to our jobs, slaves to responsibility... which isn't always so bad if you don't mind being a slave. American sentiments make this difficult to accept.
I read in "Polite Fictions" that Americans push independence culturally, whereas Japanese push interdependence. Why would Americans not want to belong to something greater? The military makes soldiers proud to belong, and children everywhere hate feeling outcast... so how is it we as Americans dream of independence knowing quite well it is unattainable in any industrial society? The closer together we all become, the greater the appeal to fantasy games that appeal to the need for independence. I'm losing focus on what my point was at this late hour, but to me, independence is the great joy of being out of school... and unemployed. v_v
In any case, I have purchased a domain name to celebrate my independence. I have also (as you may have noticed) redesigned the site. It's all hand-coded, so I hope to get some feedback. Keep your eyes peeled at crockettquest.com for future updates!