Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Art for Everyone

I've been thinking a lot about art lately, and I've come to realise that there isn't much point to forcing art. Certainly, care can be taken to make a photograph aesthetic, but I found myself trying too hard to take "artistic" shots. I'm no photographer; in fact, my camera was a refurbished item I found on eBay not too long ago. I suppose I was thinking too hard about my shots since my only other camera is one of those multi-lensed 3D photo gizmos. Using that camera, it's best to consider how much depth can be brought into the shot.

It isn't even so much of an issue of public perception. I have a journal with nothing but blank pages because I want my first entry to establish something somehow significant. I have a number of music pieces that have been collecting dust for years, nowhere near completion. Somewhere along the line I forgot that art is merely an expression. There are expressions that take planning, hard work, rehearsal, etc., but what good is that sort of perseverence without integrety? In other words, it's all nothing but an act if you don't take time to simply expres impromptu.

To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you somebody else - means to fight the hardest battle than any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. - E E Cummings

So here I am, taking the plunge. I'm joining the blog bandwagon, months behind my peers here in Japan. Consider it a new year's resolution: to live each day to its fullest, to become self-reliant, and to take each step without second-guessing whether it can live up to the expectations of my peers, my God, and myself.

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