Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Unconditional Love

In honor of Valentine's Day...
no... In honor of White Day....

OK, so it's been a while since I've had the time to work on this thing. Truth be known, I have errands I should be doing right now. But I have 3 half-written blog entries that need to be posted. One is dated as far back as July 2005.

I've been thinking a lot about love, and so I started writing this entry on Valentine's Day. Short on time, I thought White Day (Pi Day here) would be a good chance to post it. In Japan, Valentine's Day is a chance for women to give gifts to men. One month later, White Day is an obligation for men to give something to every woman who gave him something for White Day. I guess this is a way to encourage Japanese to get past their shyness. (HAHA from now on, Super Mario Shy Guys are "Japanese Masqueraders" in my book.)

What's been on my mind lately is the ideal of unconditional love. Raised in a Christian home, I heard this term a lot, and it's hardly exclusive to any one religion. (Grace may be the one thing exclusive to Christianity.)

Is unconditional love pracical in today's society? Jesus said if a man asks you to walk a mile, walk two. If anybody asks you for something, give it to them without question. I'm thinking, children who follow this advice will go without lunch money on a day to day basis. A few greedy gluttons will be able to live a very happy life.

With some obvious reservations, I still try to demonstrate unconditional love as much as possible. Unfortunately, I've tried to be loving to a lot of people who maybe aren't used to the attention, so they in turn think they've fallen in love. Hard thing to do, tell somebody "you're not in love with me". Hard thing too, when some of these people expect sex, only to hear me say "not interested". In the end, how am I expected to be loving without eventually hurting somebody?

I'm not especially interested in having a foreign girlfriend, but if I am fair to everybody, equally loving to everybody... the foreigners notice it more. It's not a fetish; it's just statistics.


Anonymous said...

My girl's Japanese. In fact she went back to Hiroshima last week. I'm looking for work in Japan, but as of right now, I'm not sure how well I can make all this work. All I know is, the day she left, I found I had much more emoitionally invested than I thought I did, and that I want this to work out. You have to be open to everyone, because in my case, I found something where I didn't really expect to find it.

Anonymous said...

Love is conditional because life is too. Looking for reasons is like asking why the ocean waves wash away the beautiful sandcastles on the beach. All that finding one answer does for you is give you one night of undisturbed sleep, while a question gives you a thousand nights filled with wonderful dreams and breathless anticipation.

Anonymous said...

My parents exhibited unconditional love many times too me over the years. Although they didn't approve of some of the behavior I engaged in, they always were there for me.

Their love didn't raise or lower depending on how disappointed they were...


Anonymous said...

That was a good way of overcoming shyness. Shyness sometimes hinders us to show our love to people.

One thing maybe is that we cannot really give unconditional love to everyone.